An Eternity of the Storm
The storm seemed like an eternity
It was a strong force that seemed unstoppable.
The wind sent whispers in every corner
Warning everyone to stay inside.
The doors were difficult to open
Because the wind was all around
One large door was open
And everyone could see the storm
Whenever the wind went inside
It made the glass of the chandelier chime.
Many ventured out just to get home
Some didn't get back while some had a cold.
This storm that seemed like an eternity
Was only a brief visit
But left a mark of its path
Trees, roofs, fences and more
Upside down, turned to the side and uprooted.
These are only some of its marks
But what really made a scar
Was the loss of loved ones
Who never made it back to their home
In fact no home there was anymore.
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